
Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye, 2011!

I can't believe another year has come and gone.  2011 has been a crazy, exciting year for my family.

At the end of each year, we try to set some goals as a family, a couple, and as individuals.  Last year I was feeling rebellious and the only goal I set was to: "Simplify.  And I'm starting out by not setting any goals besides this one."  I went for the "no-guilt" approach.  Funny thing is that I can't say that I accomplished this one goal.

So this year, I am back on the bandwagon!  I'll be setting some specific goals that I will know whether or not I make any headway on them.  My goals will look something like this:  Print past pictures and get them into albums.  Type up all my favorite recipes.  Very specific.

What are your views on goal-setting?  Like it?  Hate it?  Neutral?  In any case, here's to a wonderful 2012 for each and every last one of you!

PS.  Here is a gorgeous Ruffles and Rosettes Handbag from Aimee.  I love her fabric choices!  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Here's to Hoping My Mom Doesn't Read My Blog...

When I showed my mom my On-the-Go Mini Purse, she loved at.  This was back in April or something.  Right then, I knew that I would be making her one for Christmas. 

 So, I got right on it and it's been ready since May.

OK.  Not really.  I just barely finished it.  I think it was worth the wait!  I went with more neutral colors because this will go with my mom's wardrobe better.  I think she will love it!!

How are your Christmas projects coming along?  Or were you done back in May? 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Up and Coming: Star Flakes and Glitter from Tina Givens

I received a fun little email about this new line from Tina Givens called Star Flakes and Glitter.  It's an amazing holiday line scheduled for next winter and the reason I love it is that the colors are so unexpected for a Christmas Collection and yet they work!!  I really, really want to see this one in person!

 It's lovely Tina!  Way to go!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons....

We had the craziest wind storm last week.  The winds were hurricane level and I wouldn't have been too shocked to see a cat flying through the air.  When it was all said and done, we had this:

Yep.  Our tree fell onto our truck!  I watched it happen.  There was a huge gust and the tree just sort of laid down... on our vehicle. 
Luckily, my husband thinks of this sort of thing as a huge adventure.  Anything involving the chainsaw is an adventure.  Plus, he is really safe about it, so don't go trying this at home!  Also, we had amazing friends and neighbors who jumped right in when they heard the chainsaw going. 

And now for the lemonade.  I salvaged some branches and spruced up the front door with a lovely garland:

It's kind of tucked under the eaves so it's a bit tricky to see, but it's more of a psychological victory really.  When life gives you lemons, make a lovely garland...  Or something like that.  Happy Holidays!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Spotlight: Heather's Scripture Tote

Heather was kind enought to send me some pictures of the scripture tote she made for her daughter.  Here is what she says, "

I got it all made and it didn't take too long.  And I love the finished project.  I have already had tons of comments on it and my daughter loves it!  I attached a picture of the final if you care to take a look.

Thanks for the great pattern!

One thing I love about these patterns is that there is room to change a few things up and make it work for you.  Heather changed a few things, including how the ruffle was made and how to sew the top of the bag.  She did an amazing job!

Way yo go Heather!  And thanks for taking the time to send the pictures to me!