
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fabric Trends: ABC's, Grrrrr, and Eeeeeeeek!

I am always on the hunt for new fabrics and ideas to keep you in the know. Here are a few trends I've noticed in the fabric arena lately:

1. ABC's: School themed fabric is all over the place.

Punctuation via Moda / United Notions

via Baum Textile (American Vintage line)

2. Grrrrrr... There is a big push toward the whole wild animal/circus thing. Fun stuff.

Wild Friends via Robert Kaufman

3. Eeeeeeeek: Still seeing those monsters.


  1. I love the vintage school fabrics... Love the graphics, monsters! not loving, lol...Lezlee

  2. I've never been into the monster thing. I guess that's because my only boy is 9. Of course, even when he was 3 he was more of a knights boy.
