
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Inspire Me Thursday: Daisy Crazy

My husband is a wise man. He mentioned once how everything in nature seems to match. For some reason all of God's beautiful creations match. It's not the same with the clothes we make, or the colors we sew with, but it nature, it all goes perfectly together. I like to think about that.

So, today's inspiration is brought to you by nature. And since I love daisy's, here you go:

1. Robert Kaufman: Mingle
2. Alice Kennedy: Sunny Daze
3. Anna Maria Horner: Good Folks
4. Lizzie House: Castle Peeps
5. Patty Young: Flora and Fauna
6. Heather Bailey: Nicey Jane
7. Sandi Henderson: Meadowsweet
8. Anna Maria Horner: Good Folks

So bright. So summer. So nature. So inspired!

And... the swatch images were brought to you today from Hawthorne Threads. I LOVE their site. You can get any of these fabrics over there... (And no, I'm not paid to say that. They just have a rockin' site)

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