
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Color Schemes: Fad or Forever?

I used to love quilts that felt "warm."  Lots of deep rich colors... like Autumn.  I remember seeing a soft, pastel colored quilt during this phase and thinking, "I could never love those colors together."

But then I hit a new phase. 

Red/White/Blue/Yellow Reproductions
Teal, Orange, Gray
And yes... those soft pastels
Vibrant brights

You name it, I've probably loved it.  It's so hard to know if my tastes have changed or if the world around me has changed my tastes.  I'd like to think that Pantone doesn't control my color preferences, but who knows.

Check out these populer palletes according to some color experts:

Now check out this amazing fabric that I LOVE and I have ordered from FreeSpirit:

Do you see it?  It's the pallette from the bottom left!!  And how about this AMAZING one from Anna Marie Horner?

It's very similar to the top right pallette!!!

According the the "color experts" these are hot colors for today, a.k.a "trendy".  What do you think?  Trendy or Classic?  Fad or Forever?  And does it matter to you?  Do you sew to get your fix for "today" or are you hoping you will still love that quilt in 20 years?  What do you think?


  1. So timely, since I've just finished up a quilt I started 20 some years ago. And I've been way over the fabrics for many of those years...probably part of why it took so long to finish! Now that it is quilted, tho, I kinda like it again. But personally, I think as I get older, I want more happy exciting colors and combos...but part of that could just be blogland over-stimulation!!! :)

  2. I'd love to see your quilt Sarah!! I bet it's amazing!! I have a fun one in the works, too. Hopefully I'll finish before summer is over.

  3. I don't think I go by fads. Well at least not color fads. I hope a quilt that I make today I will still love (and use) 20 years from now. I love that fabric from FreeSpirit. I have to keep reminding myself I am on a fabric freeze.

  4. Fabric freeze? That does not sound like any fun! Anna, I will let you know when I post pictures on my little blog! I am excited to work on something new, that is for sure!
