
Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye, 2011!

I can't believe another year has come and gone.  2011 has been a crazy, exciting year for my family.

At the end of each year, we try to set some goals as a family, a couple, and as individuals.  Last year I was feeling rebellious and the only goal I set was to: "Simplify.  And I'm starting out by not setting any goals besides this one."  I went for the "no-guilt" approach.  Funny thing is that I can't say that I accomplished this one goal.

So this year, I am back on the bandwagon!  I'll be setting some specific goals that I will know whether or not I make any headway on them.  My goals will look something like this:  Print past pictures and get them into albums.  Type up all my favorite recipes.  Very specific.

What are your views on goal-setting?  Like it?  Hate it?  Neutral?  In any case, here's to a wonderful 2012 for each and every last one of you!

PS.  Here is a gorgeous Ruffles and Rosettes Handbag from Aimee.  I love her fabric choices!  


  1. I don't usually set goals at the beginning of the new year (other than grow one year older...I tend to be good at keeping that one haha), but this year mine was similar to yours...simplify. My goal was to NOT buy clothes in 2011 unless it was an item of clothing that I needed for an occasion. I did that because I had TOO MANY clothes. I did pretty well! I bought one jacket, a tank top, and a pair of jeans (because all but one pair didn't fit I needed some). This year....I'm going to let myself buy clothes again, but it's interesting...I didn't miss buying clothes too much because I still shopped, just didn't spend any money!

  2. I'm all about the "no guilt" approach. At the same time, though, aiming for some specific goals can help you accomplish all those to-do items. It's a tricky balance, and one I'll definitely be working on in 2012.
